(1) 请老实的回答每一个问题。
(2) 不行擅自塗改題目。
(3) 写完请点10位小朋友,不可不点。
(4) 点完后请通知那10位小朋友他被点到了。被点到的:
1.Ee Mun
2.Mei Chwen
3.Fang Ling
4.Gui Fen
5. Ping Rui
6. Shin Ning
8.Shu Ping
9.Sze Yeen
10.Xin Ting
01-[ 4号认识6号吗? ]: Sure, Senior n junior...
02-[ 10号是男还是女? ]: Gurl
03-[ 8号的兴趣是? ]: Play computer games
04-[ 1号有没有兄弟姐妹? ]: Got
05-[ 7号姓氏? ]: Lim
06-[ 10号人缘好吗? ]: quite gud
07-[ 4号有人追吗? ]: got ba...
08-[ 承上2号呢? ]: ????
09-[ 6号喜欢的颜色是? ]: dunno?==
10-[ 3号和10号是朋友吗? ]: Senior n junior....
11-[ 8号的生日是? ]: 18 October
12-[ 5号读哪呢? ]: SMJK Kwang Hua
13-[ 你怎么认识10号的? ]: My Junior
14-[ 你跟1号的生日差几个月? ]: 1 month n 9 days...
15-[ 你和9号有出去玩过吗? ]: juz activities..
16-[ 你喜欢和2号聊天吗? ]: ok lo
17-[ 你喜欢和3号在一起吗? ]: ya.. my lovely senior~~
18-[ 你觉得7号人怎么样? ]: cutie n nice chatting
19-[ 你觉得9号人怎么样? ]: nice gal~
20-[ 你爱5号吗? ]: just good frens... hehe^^
1. 是谁传給你这份问卷的: Mei Chwen siao po
2. 你们认识多久呢: many year lol
3. 你觉得他(她)对你來说很重要吗: important for me.. best frens
4. 你与他(她)的关系是: Frens n also guide family
5. 你觉得他(她)的个性如何: ss~
6. 请问他(她)的兴趣是: chattting, shopping, gai gai
7. 他(她)在你心目中是几分: full marks~~
問 :夏天去海边玩 看到比基尼辣妹会
答 : woo~~ sexy....
問 : 當你在更衣室沖水 门忽然被打开了你会
答 : ma de~~ shout
問 : 海中忽然大浪來襲后 你发现比基尼小姐上身泳裝被沖掉了 你会
答 : close my eyes....
問 : 去海边玩会使用咩交通工具
答 : walk~~
問 : 你突然发现沒帶泳裝 泳衣你会買吗
答 : ya....
問 : 会用防晒乳吗
答 : Sure!
問 : 回去时 发现有其他遊客手机沒拿 你会觉得是哪牌子的
答 : Sony Errison
問 : 海边对你來说是
答 : excited n nice~~
問 : 看到镜子 会不由自主的向前吗
答 : sometimes
問 : 经常用洗面乳吗
答 : YA!!^^
問 : 说到自恋会想到谁
答 : Mei Chwen
問 : 有人说该減肥了 你会
答 : Hmmm....
問 : 自恋 適合你吗
答 : No~~
1.Ee Mun
2.Mei Chwen
3.Fang Ling
4.Gui Fen
5. Ping Rui
6. Shin Ning
8.Shu Ping
9.Sze Yeen
10.Xin Ting
* 你常笑吗: YEA..
* 你喜欢去哪兒玩: all the places tat interesting
* 去玩时喜欢一个人去吗: NO~ so lonely
* 如是假日时你都睡到几点: depends
* 今天的天气如何: so hot lerhx~
* 朋友和情人你会选择: depends
* 机会和命运你会选择: Chance~
* 你很自恋吗: no
* 你有穿过耳洞: yea!
* 你交过几个男(女)朋友: ><
* 你有呛过老师吗: sure~ wakaka XD
Thx Xiao Po for tagging. =)
1)大名: Ang Jesslyn^^
2)生日: 22/8 (skul holiday every year... don like><)
3)谁传给你的: Xiao PO Timun
4)生日想拿到什么礼物: things tat i wish to get a long time but watever wat present frens giv me
i also like it...
5)最近压力大的事: Exams, all the stupid things
6)想做的事: finish my Spm quickly n go trip wif my lovely frens
7)有没有喜欢的人: hehe^^
8)跟谁出去最幸福+快乐: Friends, Scouts n Guides
9)如果你的好朋友吵架了,你会怎么做: I will try to comfort them n do some action....
10)最想和别人去那里: all the place i dream to go...
11)圣诞节想做什么: Go out count down wif my frens...
12)想跟谁庆祝圣诞节: Friends & Family (but i think parents everytime also not crazy one)
13)最近在做什么: all the homework, stupid things, studying, exams, tuition....
EG: Add Maths(the subject i hate most)
14)有几个兄弟姐妹: only my naughty younger sister...
15)最喜欢的一首英文/华文歌: I'm yours but chinese song are uncountable...
16)喜欢什么颜色: all the rainbow colours....
17)上厕所会不会冲水: OF COURSE!!! I like clean~~
18)喜欢男还是女生: I'm not lesbian.. haha^^
19)最想大大声说什么: I don wan do all the stupid things!!! I wan rest~~~
20)半夜敢不敢上厕所: scare~~ if i go, i will open all the light first...
21)你现在最恨谁: someppl that make me bu shuang
22)现在喜欢做什么: sleeping, watching movie....
23)睡相好不好看: no.. ugly....
24)现在的时间: 9.40pm... back from KP...
25)是否厌恨传给你这卷子的人: No... i 'ss' wif her everyday...
26)体重多少: hehe^^
27)今天天气: Very Hot... cant tahan...
28)如果忙完了你最想做什么: Shopping & Travelling
29)失眠后会怎样: read storybooks....
30)你晚上睡觉会不会尿床: No, I'm a adult adi....
31)你晚上睡觉会不会流口水: Never....
32)你有没有吃过夜宵: sure Have....
33)近期开心的事: My Birthday
34)自由对你来说重要吗: Sure
35)你觉得在朋友当中谁最性感: Hmm... my frens quite childish de....
36)你觉得你比较笨还是聪明: Average~ But my mom always complains my result...
37)你比较喜欢爸爸还是妈妈: Mother...
38)你现在最想看到谁: My Grandmother.. she not at here anymore...
39)你爱看戏吗: Sure!!! my hobby...
40)你敢向你讨厌的人说"我恨你吗?: I think i will do tat if i really beh tahan...
你打算几时结婚啊: Never think of this.
你喜欢你的生活吗: i like my life but sometimes i don like my mother too control me...
相信塔罗牌吗: Yes
睡觉前所做的事情: Set my alarm@@
你的偶像: uncountable~
你喜欢的季节: Winter^^
最想去的地方: All the places...
最讨厌怎样的性格的人: selfish, kedekut, unkind, irresponsible..... blablablaa
你会抽烟吗: Of Course no... I hate people who smoking =@
你会喝酒吗: I like drink champagne...
你常哭吗: I cry when i was really pekcek, n when many things i cant settle... Pressure also
你常笑吗: YEA~ =D
想睡到几点: maximum 12 hours...
朋友和情人你会选谁: Depends on the situation....
机会+命运你会选谁: Chance =)
你很自恋吗: Won't.
你有穿耳洞吗: Ya... my ear ring is my present....
这问卷多不多: Many...
喜欢吃冰吗: YA~~~
现在幸福吗: Not...
最在乎谁: Frens & Family
房间里最重要的东西是what : Sure is my important pillow...
没有朋友你会怎么做: SAD~!!!!
如果天使给你实现一个愿望,你想要什么: Wish my Frens & Family Stay Hapi^^
喜欢那个水果: All fruits I like...
最怕人家问你什么: Something tat make me don know hotw to answering...
喜欢下雪吗: YEAh!~~ I like....
喜欢下辈子要做什么: Don wan Human is Ok...
希望再被tag吗: No, lazy type again....
你喜欢等人吗: Don like~~~
1 。被点到必填,不填代表你不尊重传给你的人和问卷
3 。不能擅自涂改题目
4 。写完请点10 位小朋友,不可以不点
5 。完后请通知那10 位小朋友
- Mei Chwen
- Ee Mun
- Ping Rui
-Shin Ning
- Shu ping
1)大名: Ang Jesslyn^^
2)生日: 22/8 (skul holiday every year... don like><)
3)谁传给你的: Xiao PO Timun
4)生日想拿到什么礼物: things tat i wish to get a long time but watever wat present frens giv me
i also like it...
5)最近压力大的事: Exams, all the stupid things
6)想做的事: finish my Spm quickly n go trip wif my lovely frens
7)有没有喜欢的人: hehe^^
8)跟谁出去最幸福+快乐: Friends, Scouts n Guides
9)如果你的好朋友吵架了,你会怎么做: I will try to comfort them n do some action....
10)最想和别人去那里: all the place i dream to go...
11)圣诞节想做什么: Go out count down wif my frens...
12)想跟谁庆祝圣诞节: Friends & Family (but i think parents everytime also not crazy one)
13)最近在做什么: all the homework, stupid things, studying, exams, tuition....
EG: Add Maths(the subject i hate most)
14)有几个兄弟姐妹: only my naughty younger sister...
15)最喜欢的一首英文/华文歌: I'm yours but chinese song are uncountable...
16)喜欢什么颜色: all the rainbow colours....
17)上厕所会不会冲水: OF COURSE!!! I like clean~~
18)喜欢男还是女生: I'm not lesbian.. haha^^
19)最想大大声说什么: I don wan do all the stupid things!!! I wan rest~~~
20)半夜敢不敢上厕所: scare~~ if i go, i will open all the light first...
21)你现在最恨谁: someppl that make me bu shuang
22)现在喜欢做什么: sleeping, watching movie....
23)睡相好不好看: no.. ugly....
24)现在的时间: 9.40pm... back from KP...
25)是否厌恨传给你这卷子的人: No... i 'ss' wif her everyday...
26)体重多少: hehe^^
27)今天天气: Very Hot... cant tahan...
28)如果忙完了你最想做什么: Shopping & Travelling
29)失眠后会怎样: read storybooks....
30)你晚上睡觉会不会尿床: No, I'm a adult adi....
31)你晚上睡觉会不会流口水: Never....
32)你有没有吃过夜宵: sure Have....
33)近期开心的事: My Birthday
34)自由对你来说重要吗: Sure
35)你觉得在朋友当中谁最性感: Hmm... my frens quite childish de....
36)你觉得你比较笨还是聪明: Average~ But my mom always complains my result...
37)你比较喜欢爸爸还是妈妈: Mother...
38)你现在最想看到谁: My Grandmother.. she not at here anymore...
39)你爱看戏吗: Sure!!! my hobby...
40)你敢向你讨厌的人说"我恨你吗?: I think i will do tat if i really beh tahan...
你打算几时结婚啊: Never think of this.
你喜欢你的生活吗: i like my life but sometimes i don like my mother too control me...
相信塔罗牌吗: Yes
睡觉前所做的事情: Set my alarm@@
你的偶像: uncountable~
你喜欢的季节: Winter^^
最想去的地方: All the places...
最讨厌怎样的性格的人: selfish, kedekut, unkind, irresponsible..... blablablaa
你会抽烟吗: Of Course no... I hate people who smoking =@
你会喝酒吗: I like drink champagne...
你常哭吗: I cry when i was really pekcek, n when many things i cant settle... Pressure also
你常笑吗: YEA~ =D
想睡到几点: maximum 12 hours...
朋友和情人你会选谁: Depends on the situation....
机会+命运你会选谁: Chance =)
你很自恋吗: Won't.
你有穿耳洞吗: Ya... my ear ring is my present....
这问卷多不多: Many...
喜欢吃冰吗: YA~~~
现在幸福吗: Not...
最在乎谁: Frens & Family
房间里最重要的东西是what : Sure is my important pillow...
没有朋友你会怎么做: SAD~!!!!
如果天使给你实现一个愿望,你想要什么: Wish my Frens & Family Stay Hapi^^
喜欢那个水果: All fruits I like...
最怕人家问你什么: Something tat make me don know hotw to answering...
喜欢下雪吗: YEAh!~~ I like....
喜欢下辈子要做什么: Don wan Human is Ok...
希望再被tag吗: No, lazy type again....
你喜欢等人吗: Don like~~~
1 。被点到必填,不填代表你不尊重传给你的人和问卷
3 。不能擅自涂改题目
4 。写完请点10 位小朋友,不可以不点
5 。完后请通知那10 位小朋友
- Mei Chwen
- Ee Mun
- Ping Rui
-Shin Ning
- Shu ping
The next day, we go bukit jalil by using bus... in the bus, we know tat simon is not hav different wif the pig.. haha~~ at there, we r listen a lot of nice song... we r sit there a long time... 坐到我屁股都酸了.. my voice become sexy tis two days... haha^^ fran, daniel, jaclyn, 菲比,罗忆诗,陈影雯,张起政,马嘉轩,凌加峻,郭晓微,朱豪仁,刘淑怡,Friendz,Francissa Peter, 光良,张惠妹... n the mc is roshan, belinda,叶俊岑,翁书尉... all so geng... i'm having gastric problem so a short while i cant get high... so pekcek~~ when 4.30pm like tat, me fall asleep... sorry to the mc because tat time is so boring... i wake up n high again during play games.. the puzzle is so magic... when reach the turn of A-Mei, all high!!! n start earthquake... at tat time, we r already hunry 29 hours... so successful.... then, we start countdown... 5,4,3,2,1...Success!!! we r cheer wif soya n taking a lot of photos... Yeah^^ finally, it's is finish.. so 不舍~~ tis is the unforgetable memory... the ppl who wish me n help me, thx a lot~~ waiting fo me 30 hour famine... i will come again next year!!! hope us will same group again next year~~ 齐心赶走饿势力, You've Got The Power!!!
猪脚醋 rocks~~~~
lets see our sweet memory~~
zu er n wan jhuin
mei chwen n pei ee
mei chwen n esther
chop, simon n jia rong
me n xin ting
4 ss guide
猪脚醋 rocks~~~~
me n khai wen snr... miss u^^
me n xin ting n sel fang snr
猪脚醋 n mc
猪脚醋 on the stage~~
30 hour famine
4 guides n yi rui at bukit jalil
joo swee n chen yang
yager family
me n choppy chicken chop^^
tis is the first time i go 30hour famine~~very excited n happy^^
tis is the first time i go 30hour famine~~very excited n happy^^
four of us- mc, pe,xt n me are in the same group... our leader chow fu teacher, chicken chop, chop chop chop chop chop chop~~~ haha^^ our group name is 猪脚醋 while the slogan is 我们是猪脚醋,你们别吃醋(福建语〕tepukan, wow 好酸no!!! The most funny game is 传话游戏.. the last ppl, chop change the main character xiao ming into xiao lin.. haha, his mandarin is bad^^
The unforgetable game is 难民游戏.. in tis game, i know we r the lucky person like Fatimah... she just onli 11 years old but her family sold her to a old man... at the last minute, we success to build our house using newspaper... but the sadness things is we witness the house tat we build wif many effort kick by them just in a short while...
At night, the concert is start... suddenly, scouts,xt,pe n mc sing birthday song fo me... thanks them... 朱豪仁 is the best!!! like him of his dance!!! so geng~~ after tat, we open a group discuss... i din felt any hugry leh... we r happy tis whole day... surprise is chop call them sing a birthday song for me eventhough is already past... so gan dong... haha^^ thx.. we r chatting until late... n wake up early in the morning... no enuf sleep.. the oni things me not happy is my voice... cant shout~~
my birthday 009
21/8 9pm


tonight, me n my frens going out to eat buffet steamboat.. Eventhough i am sick but i still going.... tis is the first time us go out during night... so unforgetable... we are eating a lot food... the first things i eat is ice-cream... wow, so tasteful... i like it!!! all the BBq things i cant eat because having throat... but i still happy because all frens come out eat together to celebrate my birthday~~ thanks u all!!! I love u all!!! muackzz... we eat from 9pm until 11.30pm... hapi^^
kwee ru n hui yi also say happy birthday to me on 12am... thanks~~
N us taking a lot of photos... let see~~

why everytime got kwee ru one?? i know, because she zi lian lo... haha^^


22/8 morning
today siao po xin ting reach my house liao... but she cant call me... n then mei chwen call me.. haha... sorry to me because waiting me go down... after tat, mei chwen coming my house... she bring present also... thanks mei chwen, ee mun, xin ting, yin scene, shin ning, se hui n sze yeen.... thanks u all!!! i will keep all our memory in the photo frame... muackzz~~~ n all the frens n juniors who sms to wish me... thx yun ru, meng pei, xiao po ee mun, carene, jing jie, n ee vy...
today siao po xin ting reach my house liao... but she cant call me... n then mei chwen call me.. haha... sorry to me because waiting me go down... after tat, mei chwen coming my house... she bring present also... thanks mei chwen, ee mun, xin ting, yin scene, shin ning, se hui n sze yeen.... thanks u all!!! i will keep all our memory in the photo frame... muackzz~~~ n all the frens n juniors who sms to wish me... thx yun ru, meng pei, xiao po ee mun, carene, jing jie, n ee vy...
lov u all^^
All my choose d kokurikulum d agm are finally finish lo...
ERT- Bendahari
KPJ- Pen. Eksekutif
i'm happy to kena all tis post... congratulation to all pengerusi and ketua... hope u all can do the best for 2009/2010... guide agm de feelings i write many times liao but unluckily it will all spoils suddenly.. so kek xin~~ however, i think maybe God dun wan me to say out the things... never mind la... keep in mind can liao... besides, thanks chew li senior for the teaching n advice in the bendahari n uniform post... u never scold me although i'm wrong... lov u always n hope u can back see us after Form 5~~ all F5 seniors, hope u all good luck in ur trial n SPM.. GAMBATEH!!!
all form 4 guide
Guide- Bendahari
ERT- Bendahari
Softball- Ketua Keselamatan
KPJ- Pen. Eksekutif
i'm happy to kena all tis post... congratulation to all pengerusi and ketua... hope u all can do the best for 2009/2010... guide agm de feelings i write many times liao but unluckily it will all spoils suddenly.. so kek xin~~ however, i think maybe God dun wan me to say out the things... never mind la... keep in mind can liao... besides, thanks chew li senior for the teaching n advice in the bendahari n uniform post... u never scold me although i'm wrong... lov u always n hope u can back see us after Form 5~~ all F5 seniors, hope u all good luck in ur trial n SPM.. GAMBATEH!!!
lastly, let us see the photos tat took after guide AGM... haha~~~
wow~ jing jie, carene, chew li senior, khai wen snr n me

we go jj together after agm...crazy thing is we wear formal
half u (except name tag n scarf)
me, chew li snr n khai wen senior
khai wen snr, xiao po mei chwen n me... agm souviners too...
me n siew ying snr@@
me n ketua jennifer senior^^
all members n bekas senior... yeah!
AGM 2009
AJK List 09/10
Ketua Pasukan: Tan Yin Scene
P.Ketua Pasukan: Kong Ee Mun
Ketua Disiplin: Ang Pei Ee
Setiausha: Teo Shin Ning
P.Setiausaha 1: Chia Ee Vy
P.Setiausaha 2: Lee Xin Ting
Bendahari: Ang Jesslyn
P.Bendahari: Loh Siao Hui
Ketua Eksekutif: Lim Mei Chwen
P.K Eksekutif: Lee Wei Teng
Quarter Mistress 1: Vong Sze Yeen
Quarter Mistress 2: Gan Hwa Wey
Ketua Sosial 1: Ang Pei ee
Ketua Sosial 2: Lim Mei Chwen
Patrol Leader Bougainvillea: Carene Chua
Patrol Leader Hibiscus: Gan Jing Lin
Patrol Leader Lily: Heng Wei Wei
Patrol Leader Orchid: Khoo Jing Jie
Ketua Pasukan: Tan Yin Scene
P.Ketua Pasukan: Kong Ee Mun
Ketua Disiplin: Ang Pei Ee
Setiausha: Teo Shin Ning
P.Setiausaha 1: Chia Ee Vy
P.Setiausaha 2: Lee Xin Ting
Bendahari: Ang Jesslyn
P.Bendahari: Loh Siao Hui
Ketua Eksekutif: Lim Mei Chwen
P.K Eksekutif: Lee Wei Teng
Quarter Mistress 1: Vong Sze Yeen
Quarter Mistress 2: Gan Hwa Wey
Ketua Sosial 1: Ang Pei ee
Ketua Sosial 2: Lim Mei Chwen
Patrol Leader Bougainvillea: Carene Chua
Patrol Leader Hibiscus: Gan Jing Lin
Patrol Leader Lily: Heng Wei Wei
Patrol Leader Orchid: Khoo Jing Jie
EMO days
tis few days my mood is down and sad... i think is because of the seniors n all the F5 friends.. they will leave us soon... time pass quickly n now August already... Last sat when i know seniors are not coming to activities after AGM, this is quite sad... but me will not cry out.. i don know we will become how after tis AGM, i scare me no hav the ability to do it.... but i will try to do it... seniors are leaving, us is the big person in the guide liao... i scare we will make more problem out... when our position is become big, our pressure is increase n all the worries will increase also... yesterday when senior heard about the news n the things about a senior tat already quit guide... they felt sad n angry about tis... me n em is guilty about the problem tat juniors make... we din concerned about tis... we still cant do all the things best when seniors is wanna to left... so SORRY~~ after tat, senior scold mc because she is play play during the serious situation... me, em n mc don know when we play n seniors din tell us also....
when chicken wing ask why me is so sad when seniors is leaving... i don know how to say... i just felt sad n din have the dare to face all the things... me is very USELESS.... teach me wan how to do??? n me don know can say the problems to hu??? my lovely seniors~~~ thanks of the things n skills u all teach us... me is appreciate about all your contribution n effort tat did to us.. although sometimes we bu shuang la... haha... however, Thank you very much...
F5 seniors n all my F5 friends, hope u all good luck in your SPM... GAMBATEH!!!
when chicken wing ask why me is so sad when seniors is leaving... i don know how to say... i just felt sad n din have the dare to face all the things... me is very USELESS.... teach me wan how to do??? n me don know can say the problems to hu??? my lovely seniors~~~ thanks of the things n skills u all teach us... me is appreciate about all your contribution n effort tat did to us.. although sometimes we bu shuang la... haha... however, Thank you very much...
once a guide, always a guide
once a friend, always a friend...
F5 seniors n all my F5 friends, hope u all good luck in your SPM... GAMBATEH!!!
Canteen Day 2009^^^
Tis year our skul is first time to conduct a hari koperasi, so excited!!! when i know that F4 is given to in charge of ghost house, i felt that IMPOSSIBLE... Foon Yew camp de ghost house is quite nice, it not same wif other ghost house, that is have to complete a misson in a dark room. Quite terror... Before hari koperasi, we do all the preparations for ghost house, it is quite interesting... from second day of the koperasi week, we TR four days, shuang... tat day, we discuss all the things wif scouts. The idea is gao dim on tat day... senior also quite like it... tat whole week all people are very busy n peksek also, but i mean is guide onli la... I'm angry tat friday is the deadline to do it, but we still hav many haven do, but some scouts still go play their volleyball... tis make me felt despair about them, why they like tat de??? but some scouts quite good, help us a lot... all our 'geli' is very limited, but my brain is almost die, cant think all the ideas about it... 'she' say only she do all the geli things... tat time i felt very bu shuang... why she always think she is merciless.. Many ppl still got do their work... Me is speaking to her wif unfriendly tone sometimes... Felt quite sorry about it!!! koperasi tat day, scouts n guides who got involve in tis ghost house come early in the morning... we are busy almost the time, like everything are haven gao dim... scare tat time~~ at 8am, many students are come to the counter to buy ticket.. situation is still good n can conrol... but about 10am like tat, students is become many n many... scene is not control already... me, khee long, gui fen senior n all the person in charge become troble of all the situation... all the students don wan to cooperate n lined up properly... last, Pn. Tan is coming to lock the door... luckily the scene is control a bit... Thanks her very much.... all the 'ghost' is quite pathetic because inside is very hot n stuffy all the time... very kesian~~~ Lastly, our money is lost for the ghost house but our work does not waste... It is done sucessfully!!! thanks to all the AJK!!!!
My Mid Year Holidays 2009
两个星期的假期就要过去了,好舍不得喔! 这7天我还是对那件事耿耿于怀,我不知道要怎样做...有时候想起真的很伤心~ 这假期我看「终极三国』到第十五集了, 这部戏真的不错看^^所以我介绍给大家... 这部戏是关于三国演义的, 但是应该有经过少许的改编吧@@ 这我不清楚因为我没看过三国演义~ 这部戏令我对三国演义产生了兴趣, 很想开学后马上到图书馆借这本书... 请大家多多支持啦!!! 谢谢!!! 哈哈~~~
这假期我还是一样忙着补习, 这是我最空闲的假期了... 当我爸爸问我为什么要补那么多习时,我很生气的对他说:“难道你教我吗?”我是最大的,所以我很羡慕别人有哥哥姐姐可以教他们... 我一直很想放弃补习, 可是我又怕我跟不上, 家里又没有人教我~~~~
这14号是我最好的表哥结婚的日子... 当我听到我表哥要结婚时, 我吓倒, 因为我没有想到他那么快结婚... 所以我在这里祝福他婚礼顺顺利利, 新婚愉快!!! 哈哈
6月8日我和 huiyi n meng pei 去唱K, 因为少人的关系, 我们不是唱得很兴奋... 可是我们还是玩得很开心, 所以我希望下次我们大家还能一起出去玩~~~
这假期我还是一样忙着补习, 这是我最空闲的假期了... 当我爸爸问我为什么要补那么多习时,我很生气的对他说:“难道你教我吗?”我是最大的,所以我很羡慕别人有哥哥姐姐可以教他们... 我一直很想放弃补习, 可是我又怕我跟不上, 家里又没有人教我~~~~
这14号是我最好的表哥结婚的日子... 当我听到我表哥要结婚时, 我吓倒, 因为我没有想到他那么快结婚... 所以我在这里祝福他婚礼顺顺利利, 新婚愉快!!! 哈哈
6月8日我和 huiyi n meng pei 去唱K, 因为少人的关系, 我们不是唱得很兴奋... 可是我们还是玩得很开心, 所以我希望下次我们大家还能一起出去玩~~~
4 june 2009
4June is my lovely sis, jessmine de birthday... I almost forget liao... yesterday i bac from camp n tat timei only know tat tomoro is her birthday... i no hav time to prepare present for her... Although she is naughty, lazy n also sometime i hate her, but she is only the sis i have... she is 14 years old now... wish her become beautiful n slim, get a good result, always listen to my advice, healthy n happy always... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Foon Yew Camp 五零大会
This is the first time I write blog... I write tis blog is because i have many feelings wan to write out.. After exam, during the holidays, i went to a camp at Johor from 30May-3June n also take part in moskod competition... tis is the first time i take tis competition. I felt very pekcek because after many times practice i still can't complete the answer... i memorize many times liao but i dun know why i still can forget...
i hate myself... 我觉得自己很失败,我很怕会连累我的队友...
when reach there, we still continue our practices... i felt i am useless, my answer always wrong.. 我看到他们sien sien的样子, 我怪自己拖慢了那个进度... i felt very sad n my mood is very down... when senior n XX scold me why like tat, i wan cry out liao...
i felt very sad because nobody care my feelings... i'm angry when senior scold me in front of junior because they only know scold n dun know me hav many pressure.. they also dun know i'm sad until cry inside the sleeping bag... eventhough my other F4 fren also dun know... i am break the record that cry so many times and felt so so sad~~~ i onli discuss my problem wif mc but something i also no say out.... i dun know i can say to who, i no trust anybody already... After finish the moskod competition, i think tat i am the most useless person because i already know the result is very bad.. i felt very scare about the result... i already try my best but somebody din trust me... i felt very dissapointed about them... when we go canteen after the competition, we discuss about the competition. XX ask us got try our best or not but i know that she is asking me onli... i know that she 看不起me, she maybe think me is stupid... i know something i cannot do until the best but i also try liao... I felt very sad when i know XX say like tat to mc... she say when we take part in the chung ling gadjet competition, me n meng pei at there只是为了要填满空位,根本就没有用... she say she n em do onli, everything she also help me cover... i straight cry out when i listen about it, now i just know she tot me is useless... why my fren will think like tat about me???? maybe i like tat la, but i also got do things about the competition... 我对他们很失望... i think to quit girl guide at that time, becausei think i cant 面对她了... 我很想什么东西都不要管,因为我真的好累好累了...我很后悔去这个camp because i no felt happy everyday... even i'm smile everyday but my heart is crying... tis is the first time i got tis feeling but who will understand me leh? i think the words she say when i saw her... i cant go canteen wif her anymore but i dun know how to say to her...我真的不想把事情弄到酱严重,可是我控制不住我自己... when mc call me scold her but i cant say out the words... tis time de feelings not same wif last time chung ling camp... tat time i cry is because 我对junior失望... but tis time is because 我对朋友失望... i don wan to say out who is XX, let u all guess la... I cry many times when bac to home... i go the ghost house at the camp... i felt tat my junior wan jhuin n yi ling very brave, i proud about them... tis time i very like joanne n jing ling because they change many in tis camp^^ i no say about the happiness things because the sadness things is more than happiness things...一日童军,一世童军这个东西我怕我做不到~~~
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